IFHP will pay OHIP rates to specialists for providing emergency or essential care to patients who are referred to them by a general practitioner. If no referral was made, IFHP will pay specialists at general-practitioner rates.
Prior approval is required for specialists who bill IFHP for prolonged care.
To ensure that the services being prescribed are covered, consult the IFHP Basic Coverage Benefit Grid.
For more information about how to verify patients’ eligibility and submit claims, read the Government of Canada’s overview of IFHP for healthcare professionals.
Rapid consultations with specialists
Health care providers can seek rapid online consultations from medical specialists through eConsult, which is a secure, web-based platform. Refugee and immigrant health are one of the specialties available. If you are not already registered with eConsult, email econsultsupport@lhinworks.on.ca to get set up.